Frequently Asked Questions
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What is the difference between SoftPOS and mPOS?
SoftPOS generally refers to software POS solutions that do not require any additional hardware other than a consumer-off-the-shelf mobile device, while mPOS are typically software applications that connect and interact with an external card reader or dongle to capture card information in a POS transaction. SoftPOS accepts only contactless transactions, while mPOS can process both contact and contactless transactions, in addition to magnetic stripe cards.
How does SoftPOS differ from other payment terminals?
The only difference between SoftPOS and other payments at traditional POS devices, is the use of a regular Consumer-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) device by the SoftPOS solution, minimizing the cost of hardware and the requirements needed by a merchant, by turning their mobile devices into POS machines. Other than that, both transactions are considered card-present transactions and follow the same security requirements, pricing and chargeback rights.
Is SoftPOS a secure payment option?
Yes. Yazara’s solution has undergone the most complete security and certification process in the industry, with the highest security standards and regulatory compliance in place with EMVCo. Accredited laboratories completed the product testing, penetration testing and security evaluation in our solution regulated by the payment schemes and PCI.
How many active SoftPOS projects and applications does Yazara have?
Yazara has numerous projects deployed worldwide and with more than 35K active applications in the field. We leverage and apply our unparalleled SoftPOS expertise and implementation experience to each client project.
Who offers your product to merchants?
We offer our product through bank acquirers, payment facilitators, ISO’s, payment processors, and independent software vendors around the world. Contact us for more information.
Do you offer options other than SoftPOS?
Yes, Yazara offers several additional modules to further increase revenue opportunities and meet client needs. These additional optional payment modules include QR Mobile, mPOS, Paylink, and other Added Value Services and customized features such as Installments, DCC, Multi-currency, Card Selection, etc.
Is Yazara bank and phone agnostic?
Yes, our solution can work with any bank, acquirer, or solutions provider and on any Android NFC-enabled phone or tablet device, including Huawei devices.
Does Yazara work on Apple iOS?
While iOS SDK is in our roadmap, currently Yazara SoftPOS Mobile Solution runs on any Android NFC-enabled phone or tablet device (Android 8 and above), including Huawei devices.
Can Yazara launch a SoftPOS with PIN solution?
Yes, while MPoC is not yet available, Yazara offers SoftPOS solutions with PIN under waivers from all schemes (Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Discover).
What payment schemes have certified Yazara’s solution?
Yazara is certified by major international and domestic payment schemes – MasterCard, Visa, AMEX, Discover D-PAS, Thales PURE, Rupay (India), MADA (KSA), Troy (Turkey), Bancomat (Italy) and others.
What development options do your clients have?
Yazara offers superior flexibility with three certified development options they can choose from: 1) White Label Mobile App, 2) App2App (Deep Link) and 3) SDK integration approach.
Is any additional kernel development required by your clients?
No, clients do not need to do any additional kernel development. Our L2 Kernel development is done in-house and is already fully certified. This means our clients do not have to spend time or money on this lengthy process and can begin to use the solution right away.
Is Yazara CPoC certified?
Yes, Yazara is CPoC certified. We are one of a small number of companies with this PCI accreditation and production readiness.
What is the difference between CPoC and MPoC?
CPoC is the PCI standard enforced for SoftPOS solutions not using PIN, while MPoC is the future PCI standard for SoftPOS solutions with PIN.
Is Yazara MPoC certified?
Yes, Yazara is MPoC (Mobile Payments on COTS) certified by the Payment Card Industry PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC).
What does MPoC certification mean?
MPoC certification signifies that Yazara has been evaluated for compliance against the standards established by the PCI SSC. This indicates that their cloud-based SaaS point-of-sale solution is capable of turning any NFC-enabled smartphone into a payment acceptance device. Yazara’s innovative approach offers reliability, security, and ease of integration, making it a trustworthy choice for mobile payment processing.
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